FPGA Development hello world

So now we have a instruction set architecture and we have tried it out on an emulator. Time to design a CPU for it in an FPGA. First step is to get the tooling working.

There is a bewildering amount of FPGA tooling available some of which use even more bewildering amounts of disk space. Some of this tooling is language specific. There seem to be at least three different languages for programming FPGAs:

  1. Verilog,
  2. VHDL,
  3. and MyHDL.

VHDL seems to come with more resources, for instance a free book. Verilog seems to be better supported by open source tools. MyHDL seems to be high level DSL based on python that can be create designs and generate either Verilog or VHDL from this. This seems to be an interesting approach, but not the best approach when learning FPGA design. Similar to skipping Assembly and going directly to Python when trying to learn how CPUs work.

For now I settled on Verilog as it the only language supported by oss-cad-suite. It has a small disk footprint and supports the Lattice FPGA that comes with the Pico Ice. Oss-cad-suite is a large collection of tools. A nice layer on top of this is APIO. It provides a CLI to installing and running the tool chain. Going to use it to get everything up and running and distill what tools are really needed and how to call them and then automate it with proper makefiles.

Installing it on a notebook running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Xubuntu). This notebook has 4GB of ram and 57GB of disk space. APIO is a python package so it is a good idea to give it its own virtual environment.

sudo apt install python3.10-venv
python -m venv ~/venv/apio

After activating the environment

source ~/venv/apio/bin/activate

we can install APIO

pip install apio

and use apio to install the tools needed. For just simulating a hardware design the following seems to be enough:

apio install oss-cad-suite

To visualize the simulation results gtkwave needs to be installed:

sudo apt install gtkwave

Now we can try and simulate simple design. A four bit signed comparator will function as a “hello world”. It takes two inputs i_a and i_b and has three outputs:

The bit patterns in i_a and i_b are to be interpreted as signed numbers.


Lets make an implementation for this and a test bench to try it out with a few inputs, then simulate it and visualize the results. For the tool set to run is needs some configuration files. These can be created with

apio init -b fomu -p .

The board, Fomu, is not important at the moment, as we only simulating the design.

The following is a possible design for a comparator. It is stored in a file named compare4sbits.v

// 4 Bit comparator for signed numbers
module comparator_4bit(i_a, i_b, o_less, o_equal, o_greater);
    input [3:0] i_a, i_b;
    output o_less;
    output o_equal;
    output o_greater;
    wire [3:0] w_diff;
    wire w_bits_set;
    assign w_diff = i_a - i_b;
    assign w_bits_set = w_diff[3] | w_diff[2] | w_diff[1] | w_diff[0];
    assign o_greater = (w_diff[3]) ? 1'b0 : (1'b1 & w_bits_set);
    assign o_less = (w_diff[3]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
    assign o_equal = ~w_bits_set;

It computes the difference between a and b, and examines the resulting bit pattern. If the most significant bit is set, a is less than b. If no bits are set, a is equal to b.

To test it we create a test bench in a file named compare4sbits_tb.v with

// Test bench for the 4bit signed comparator
module comparator_4bit_tb();
    reg r_clk;
    reg [3:0] r_ta;
    reg [3:0] r_tb;
    wire w_gt;
    wire w_eq;
    wire w_lt;

    // Unit Under Test
    comparator_4bit uut(
        .i_a (r_ta),
        .i_b (r_tb),
        .o_less (w_lt),
        .o_equal (w_eq),
        .o_greater (w_gt)

    initial begin
        // Specify the name where to dump the trace data
        // Specify what variables to trace, 0 == all of them,
        // and from which module
        $dumpvars(0, comparator_4bit_tb);
        // Add a clock signal, not really needed but nice as
        // a reference.
        r_clk = 1'b0;
        forever #5 r_clk = ~r_clk; // generate a clock

    // Fill r_ta and r_tb with different values
    // to see how the comparator behaves.
    initial begin
        // r_ta and r_tb are still undefined at this
        // point.
        #5 // Wait 5ps before executing the next step
        r_ta = 4'b0111; //  7
        r_tb = 4'b0000; //  0
        #10 // Wait 10ps
        r_ta = 4'b0000; //  0
        r_tb = 4'b0111; //  7
        r_ta = 4'b0000; //  0
        r_tb = 4'b1111; // -1
        r_ta = 4'b1111; // -1
        r_tb = 4'b1111; // -1
        r_ta = 4'b0001; //  1
        r_tb = 4'b1111; // -1
        r_ta = 4'b0000; //  0
        r_tb = 4'b0000; //  0


To simulate this, run

apio sim

This should show
