How this site is generated

I tried a number of static site generators but most seem overcomplicated, so I cobbled something together using: make, lowdown cat and m4.

All content is written in Markdown which is converted to html with lowdown. cat is used to add a header and a footer to the final file. m4 is used to add the Solarized color scheme to a very basic style sheet.

The makefile used to generate this site

md_files   = $(wildcard *.md)
body_files = $(
html_files = $(body_files:.body=.html)

%.body :
    lowdown -thtml -o $@ $<

%.html : %.body
    cat head.html $< foot.html > $@

all : $(html_files) timesink.css

timesink.css : timesink.m4
    m4 timesink.m4 > timesink.css

clean :
    -rm -f timesink.css
    -rm -f $(html_files)